About the Grant Program

In June 2023 the Department applied for a grant from the Department of Defense’s Office for Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). The grant application was approved and awarded in September 2023.

General information on the grant program making the fire station possible.

Grant Program Background:
The Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program (DCIP) is designed to address deficiencies in community infrastructure, supportive of a military installation, in order to enhance military value, cadet training at covered educational institutions, installation resilience, and military family quality of life. Section 2391(d) of Title 10, United States Code (10 U.S.C. 2391), authorizes the Secretary of Defense to “make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement funds available under Federal programs administered by agencies other than the Department of Defense,” for projects owned by a state or local government, or a not-for-profit, member owned utility service to address deficiencies in community infrastructure supportive of a military installation. DCIP is a competitive grant program administered by the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). Between FY20 and FY22, OLDCC awarded 48 projects representing $200 million in Federal funding and over $212 million in match. In FY23, $100 million is available for award.

Who Can Apply

  • State or local governments
  • Entities other than those identified above may partner with an eligible entity. Eligible community infrastructure projects are any complete and useable transportation project, school, hospital, police, fire, emergency response, or other community support facility; or water, wastewater, telecommunications, electric, gas, or other utility project that meets the following criteria:
  • Supports a military installation or the training of cadets enrolled in an independent program at a covered educational institution.
  • Is located off of a military installation or on property under the jurisdiction of a Secretary of a military department that is subject to a real estate agreement;
  • Will enhance military value, training of cadets enrolled in an independent program at a covered educational institution, military installation resilience, or military family quality of life at the supported military installation.
  • Is endorsed by the installation commander representing the installation benefiting from the proposed project; and,
  • Is construction-ready.

2023 Grant Program
Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation Grant Program which was initiated on 2020 the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment, approved the selection of 17 infrastructure project proposals to be invited to apply for grant assistance under our $100 million Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program, following a competitive selection process. This grant was made available throughout the United States as well as any United States entity worldwide such as Guam. Each proposed project is expected to benefit a local installation and support our service members, their families, and the States and communities that are always there to support the mission.