Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years, we have been asked many questions about this project. The most common ones are listed below. If we have not answered yours, please complete the contact form.

The Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program (DCIP) is designed to address deficiencies in community infrastructure, supportive of a military installation, in order to enhance military value, cadet training at covered educational institutions, installation resilience, and military family quality of life. DCIP is a competitive grant program administered by the Department of Defense, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). In FY23, $100 million is available for the award.
  • State or local governments
  • Entities other than those identified above may partner with an eligible entity. Eligible community infrastructure projects are any complete and useable
    transportation project, school, hospital, police, fire, emergency response, or other community support facility; or water, wastewater, telecommunications, electric, gas, or other utility project that meets the following criteria:

    • Is located off of a military installation or on property under the jurisdiction of a Secretary of a military department that is subject to a real estate agreement;
    • Will enhance military value, training of cadets enrolled in an independent program at a covered educational institution, military installation resilience, or military family quality of life at the supported military installation.
    • Is endorsed by the installation commander representing the installation benefiting from the proposed project; and, ground disturbing work has not yet commenced.
    • Is construction ready.
Opened March 23, 2023
June 5: found out about the grant through an online seminar offered by the NHMA on “Federal Funding opportunities and coaching”. One website of interest was A quick search of the list of grants found this opportunity.
June 15: obtained written approval from the Select Board for Brian Dubreuil and Dan MacDonald to pursue the grant.
June 22: Submitted the grant after completing all requirements and obtaining letters of support from the former Base Commander, Lt Col Zesinger, Governor Chris Sununu, Senators Hassan and Shaneen as well as Congresswoman Kuster.
August 7: obtained written request for formal application after the project was deemed credible. We were one of 17 projects nationwide chosen to formally apply. Due August 22.
August 16: submitted formal application.
September 22: Received official award notice of $9,285,576 for the construction of a new Fire Station.

A fire station of approximately 17,000 square feet.

On town owned land next to the post office on Route 13 South (Mont Vernon Rd).

At the time we found out about the grant, the police had already begun their renovation project approved by the voters at the last town meeting.

The grant covers all construction costs along with post construction architectural and engineering fees.

The grant requires us to break ground within 12 months and complete the project in 5 years. We anticipate breaking ground by September 1, 2024.It also requires us to follow all federal requirements of a project like this. The town is responsible for any soft costs that may be incurred for things like architectural plans, engineering and permitting.

Those costs are still being tabulated after consulting experts in the field. We currently hold approximately $300,000.00 to be able to start the project. Once final soft costs are obtained, any overage will have to be raised through various means.

Failure to raise the soft costs within 12 months will require us to forfeit the grant.

The grant allowed for 1.16 million dollars of “contingency money” to allow for overages to be built in. It also reflects 2 years of escalation costs because the project will not be completed until 2025.

It’s early in the process to answer a question like that currently. We will, however, be working toward a “net zero” building, should we be allowed to utilize our contingency funds for that purpose. It will certainly be at the forefront of our priorities.

There are no plans to go full time right now. While call volume has increased exorbitantly in the last couple of years, the current Per Diem model seems to be working.

You can support the project by buying a brick here.